Latanna Stone, Megan Schofill advance to U.S. Women's Amateur championship match

Latanna Stone, Megan Schofill advance to U.S. Women's Amateur championship match

LOS ANGELES — Latanna Stone and Megan Schofill are good friends.

The two have competed against each other for four years in the Southeastern Conference, Stone playing for LSU and Schofill for Auburn. The Tigers, though from different litters, will battle for supremacy Sunday in the canyons of Bel-Air.

Stone and Schofill will play for the Robert Cox Trophy on Sunday, as the duo advanced to the championship match of the 2023 U.S. Women’s Amateur on Saturday at Bel-Air Country Club. What has been a stellar week in LA comes to a close with 36 holes Sunday, but one of the fifth-year golfers hailing from Florida will be a United States Golf Association champion by day’s end.

U.S. Women’s Amateur: Photos

It is the sixth U.S. Women’s Amateur appearance for both players.

Here’s what you need to know from the semifinals of the 2023 U.S. Women’s Amateur.

Source: Golfweek
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