How did Wyndham Clark celebrate his AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am win during a shelter-in-place edict? He did it in style

How did Wyndham Clark celebrate his AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am win during a shelter-in-place edict? He did it in style

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — With power and wifi out in much of the Monterey Peninsula, and trees downed and roads closed around Pebble Beach, Wyndham Clark still managed to have himself a celebration after being informed late Sunday that he final round of the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am had been canceled due to dangerous conditions and he had been declared the champion of the 54-hole shortened signature event.

Social media was abuzz with the photo of Clark enjoying an ice cream sundae.

“He enjoyed his evening,” CBS’s Colt Knost said on his podcast “Subpar.”

After Clark got word that it was official that he had won for the third time on the PGA Tour, he called his caddie John Ellis, who came over to the house where Clark was staying near the course. Visalia pistachio magnate, Chuck Nichols, has hosted Clark in his home for the last four AT&Ts.

Nichols was having dinner at his neighbor’s house when Clark found out he had won. Clark knocked on the door and insisted they all go with him and his girlfriend to celebrate, as their guests, at Pebble Beach Resort’s famous Tap Room.

Off they all went in the rain and wind and dark, dodging felled trees and downed power lines while scofflawing the county’s shelter-in-place edict. Knost noted that Ellis got there first.

The Tap Room was jammed and raucous and included CBS’s Jim Nantz, Dottie Pepper and executive producer Sellers Shy.

“My table was right by the door,” Knost recounted. “I started clapping, the whole place went nuts, standing ovation for him. He signed a thousand autographs.”

Source: Golfweek
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